Главная » 2008 » Август » 15 » Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2.0 Build 481478 Final + Rus
00:41 Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2.0 Build 481478 Final + Rus |
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom - программа от компании Adobe для работы с цифровыми фотографиями.
Данный продукт ориентирован на профессиональных фотографов и позволяет
обрабатывать формат фотокамер - RAW. Adobe Photoshop Lightroom состоит
из следующих частей: Library - ведение фотоархива, Develop -
редактирование изображений, Slideshow - создание презентаций и раздела
Print - печати фотографий. Фотоархив позволяет быстро просматривать всю
имеющуюся коллекцию фото, как одно целое, и сортировать её по ключевым
словам, папкам или времени создания. В разделе редактирования имеются
как "ручные" инструменты, так и многочисленные наборы предустановленных
пресетов. Снизу окна редактора располагается окно "Истории" изменений,
которое представлено рядом миниатюр, показывающих разные стадии
Changes in Lightroom 2.0 Build 481478: •
Multi-monitor support: Open a view of the Library in a second window
that can be displayed on a second monitor. Keep this window open while
you’re working in any module, making it easier to view and select
photos to edit or present. • Streamlined Library browsing: A
reorganized layout in the Library module makes it easier to manage your
photos. A Volume Browser lets you check the status of local and
networked volumes at a glance. The new Library Filter bar in the Grid
view lets you find photos by metadata criteria; attributes such as
ratings, labels, and flag status; or a text search of indexed metadata
fields. See View information in the Volume Browser and Find photos
using the Library Filter bar. • Simplified keywording: The
Keywording panel and new Keyword List panel are both on the right side
of the Library module, making it easier to add, apply, and manage
keywords. A new keyword set suggests similar keywords for photos whose
capture times are in proximity. • Support for larger file sizes: Work with files up to 65,000 pixels long or wide, up to 512 megapixels. •
Local color adjustments: Make exposure, brightness, clarity, and other
adjustments on specific areas of a photo by using the Adjustment Brush
tool or the Graduated Filter tool. • Output creations: Save settings
from the Slideshow, Print, and Web modules with a collection so that
you can easily return to those settings for a group of photos. •
Smart collections: Create smart collections based on metadata rules
that you specify. Smart collections automatically stay up-to-date with
the photos that meet the criteria you specify. • Postcrop vignette: Apply a vignette effect to a cropped photo. •
Tighter integration with Adobe Photoshop: Open photos from Lightroom in
Photoshop more quickly and as a Smart Object. Merge multiple photos to
panorama, merge multiple high dynamic range (HDR) photos, or open
multiple photos as one layered file in Photoshop. When you return to
Lightroom, edited images are automatically added to the catalog. •
New print options: Create print layouts, called picture packages, that
contain one photo in a variety of sizes on a page. Enjoy improved
output sharpening, and print to a JPEG file for your print service
provider. • Improved performance: Lightroom 2.0 makes better use of
multiple processors for faster display of thumbnails and photos, and
supports 64-bit systems running Windows Vista and Mac OS. • Output
SDK: A Software Development Kit allows third parties to create plug-ins
that enhance Lightroom functionality for exporting photos, creating web
photos galleries, and adding custom metadata.
Операционная система: Windows XP/Vista. Язык интерфейса: Английский Дом. страница: http://www.adobe.com/products/photoshoplightroom/
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